Otherworld North East Research Society Journal 01 | Page 45

Journal 2007 one which had not been going off, thinking that it was maybe a faulty unit of battery, but to my surprise the new unit began to activate and deactivate in the same manner for another five minutes. The sensor then stopped and two fellow team mates said they suddenly had the sense of being followed, and they then saw a shadow moving towards the main door, which upon inspection was found to be open, despite being securely closed when the team entered the hut. Especially interesting is that earlier in the evening, at 11.30pm, the team then present in Hut 10 had picked up on two supposed spirits within the building, and when they were asked to show themselves, one of the camcorders was seen to have physically moved, seemingly ‘by itself’. This occurred near to the top end of the corridor in which the motion sensors were triggered later. Another sighting of interest occurred at 00.30am, Darren also reported seeing the figure of a man walk down the main roadway towards the lecture room where API had established ‘base camp’. He couldn’t describe the man due to the darkness, but saw him walk into the back of the modern tractor parked on the road and disappear. At the time, I myself was talking to Darren and saw movement out of the corner of my eye, but truth be told I can only put the movement I saw down to the lashing rain that made our stay at Harperley so warm and comfortable! So is Camp 93, Harperley POW Camp haunted? The results of the investigation on the night of the 30th July 2005 hosted by Anomalous Phenomena Investigations seems to indicate that people are indeed experiencing strange events and sightings at the camp, though unfortunately the state of the camp buildings and the simple fact that the investigation took place on a cold and very wet night meant that monitoring the venue accurately without outside influence was near-on impossible. Personally, the only thing I experienced with any sort of odd-value was the motion sensors being triggered repeatedly in Hut 10, but of course others saw apparitions and experienced other phenomena - maybe it was simply a very quiet night for myself and the Otherworld guests! Case Study NEM-06 The North East Aircraft Museum, formerly RAF Usworth, Old Washington Road, Sunderland, SR5 3HZ Investigation Date: 28th-29th January 2006 The North East Aircraft Museum, Old Washington Road came into the headlines of local press just before Halloween in 2005 with an interview about local Sunderland ghosts with Sue Scott of paranormal team Mysteries of the North in the Sunderland Echo and subsequent articles in the Echo following another team, Ghost Haunted, and their charity events at the Museum. Just after Christmas 2005 I was invited to take a team of Otherworld North East investigators to the museum to perform a joint investigation of the site with Mysteries of the North, and after reading the newspaper articles and hearing the various rumours I 43