Otherworld North East Research Society Journal 01 | Page 39

Journal 2007 7. Wartime Memories By Tony Liddell I N SEPTEMBER 1939, THE NAZI War Machine began its attack on Poland, and the Second World War erupted when Britain and France honoured their defensive pact this was a war in which statisticians claim nearly sixty-two million people lost their lives. With six years of warfare before the War was finally won by the Allies, every element of life at home in the England felt the effects, including those supposedly ‘spiritually’ inclined. Public interest in spiritualism, and in this case the interest of the police and the Royal Navy, was perked in 1941 when spiritualist medium Helen Duncan reported during a séance the sinking of a warship before the news was broadcast to the public. This again happened in 1943 when Duncan reported the appearance of a ghost who claimed to have died in the sinking of the Barham. - a ship that was only declared sunk many months later. It seems that the Government took an interest in Duncan after this, citing her as a risk to the country’s security, speculation claiming that what they feared was for their D-Day plans to be ‘seen’ by Duncan and leaked to the wrong people. On the 19th January 1944, Helen Duncan was arrested, charged with vagrancy. However, instead of the small fine for this alleged Medium Helen Duncan crime, she was held in London’s Victoria Prison