Otherworld North East Research Society Journal 01 | Page 34

Otherworld North East interesting so you have to ask yourself whether you are really that interested to go out and spend all your hard earned pennies on software!! A free downloadable program I used to use myself is that of Audacity. The link to where you can download this from should you wish can be found at the end of this article. Remember the critical thing here is not to just to jump to any conclusions and even more critically, DON'T tell anyone what you think you may hear. Let them tell you what they think is being said. You never know, you may be pleasantly surprised and find they think the same as you - at which point of course its a good idea to discuss it but not before. Even then, just because they think it sounds like the same word/sentence/saying as you, doesn't mean to say it necessarily is, and even if it was, it doesn't instantly mean its paranormal by any stretch of the imagination. Only after you've listened to something yourself a few times, got at least a handful of others to listen to it (the more the merrier in this case) are you able to comfortably say you might have something of interest. No one (aside from those closed minded individuals who'll claim anything to be paranormal!) will readily claim "you've caught a spirit voice!" but it should be very interesting to get other peoples' opinions in itself, if the "voice" is of good enough clarity you may find yourself with lots of interested individuals wanting to have a listen. Just as it is imperative to always keep the original tape if you used an analogue recording device, it is just as important to always keep a copy of the original digital sound recording. One fatal move I've seen lots of people/groups do is to 'accidentally' overright the original file in favour of one of their 'analysed' versions, even if they’ve just cleaned the recording up. This immediately invalidates that recording as goodness knows what they could have (potentially) done to the recording (deliberately or otherwise). 32