Otherworld North East Research Society Journal 01 | Page 30

Otherworld North East extensive research into these so-called "Phone Calls from the Dead" (also the title of the book they published). It was in the 1980's that people started becoming more and more interested in the field of ITC (Instrumental Trans-communication) in addition to EVP. This was when people first started reporting "pictures" of the dead appearing on their television sets. Funnily enough there wasn’t (and still isn't) any control over when or where these images would appear. Largely they would be faces of people who vaguelly resembled people. It was reported that they "must" be of the dead when occasionally people started reporting recognising the faces that were appearing to be those of deceased friends or relatives. Pareidolia again perhaps? Can you see this deceased chap in the image of a television screen on the right? Source: http://nsacphenomena.com/articles/photography_articles/(c)2004)butlertoms_father.jpg And the research still goes on. Obviously it is now a tad more advanced than back in Edisons' day although to be frank, we know no more now than we did back in 1928. We are no nearer proving the existence of "life after death", "psychic projections" or indeed "trans-dimensional beings" or "aliens" as we were then!! Does this not say something about how difficult the field of EVP recording actually is? There are just so many flaws and problems that surround the field that some would argue it is simply not worth bothering with at all. Yet, I, like many others, still find the field to be an interesting one so I see no harm in at least attempting to record some genuinely interesting voices/sentences/etc. I