Otherworld North East Research Society Journal 01 | Page 23

Journal 2007 I’m still not really any wiser as to why on earth Most Haunted had one in the first place as they were using them to seemingly detect where the ghosts were. When it beeped on the show they got excited and the resident medium miraculously “picked something up” in that very area. It all seems very suspicious to me!! An important thing to note about the Gauss Master is that although it is marketed as being an Electromagnetic Field Meter, it is nothing more than a Magnetic Field meter. It does not measure the Electrical spectrum at all. Its readings are in mG (milli-Gauss). The S.I. (International System of Units) for magnetism is that of the Tesla (or commonly the micro Tesla (uT) for uses in the range us paranormal investigators are more used to). Another common EMF detector that is widely used by paranormal investigators (and indeed ghost hunters!) is that of the Trifield Natural EM Meter. Source: http://www.maui.net/~emf/TriFieldNat.html The manufacturers of the Trifield Natural EM Meter like to market their device these days as being a “Ghost Detector” but alas, just as with the Gauss Master, it is prone to picking up on clearly man-made EMFs. It is calibrated to be more sensitive than many other detectors and is thereby perhaps a little more reliable for use by paranormal investigators but it is by no means fault-less. It is however a touch more pricey than the Gauss Master so it generally only appeals to the slightly more serious (or just wealthy) paranormal investigator! There are a whole host of other detectors out there, 99% of which do only detect EM fields within the normal 50-60Hz range which is of no use to anyone barring electricians or those investigators who use EMF Meters for their real purpose. After all, what everyone must remember is that there is no such thing as a “ghost detector”. After all, there is so far no hard and fast evidence to suggest that ghosts exist, so how can we have something to detect something that doesn’t even necessarily exist 21