Other PDFs/Documents doTERRA eBook Essential Oils for Beginners | Seite 12

consume , an essential oil can be metabolized by organs like the liver and then excreted . While using essential oils internally is perhaps one of the most potent methods , our bodies are quite accustomed to and well equipped for metabolizing essential oils when given in a proper dosage .
As with anything we consume , it is always important to ensure that essential oils are used in appropriate doses in order to avoid toxicity . Toxicity refers to the point at which a substance becomes harmful or damaging to the body . Remember , seemingly harmless substances like water , vitamins , and minerals ( substances that are vital to life ) can all be toxic when consumed at an inappropriate dose . While essential oils have the potential for toxicity , the toxic dose of an essential oil is always far above the recommended appropriate use .
Internal use should be considered on a case-by-case ( or oil-by-oil ) basis
When it comes to using essential oils internally , you ’ ll need to consider the specific chemistry of the oil , its possible effects , appropriate doses , and application methods for each individual oil . It is important to note that some essential oils simply cannot be used internally — in any amount . Perhaps even more important , the ability to use an essential oil internally will also depend on the quality of the oil itself .
Other internal usage safety guidelines
The Federal Drug Administration ( FDA ) has produced a list called Generally Recognized as Safe ( GRAS ), which identifies essential oils as safe to be used internally as non-medical constituents . The GRAS list provides general safety suggestions as well as information about plants and other substances that have a well-documented history of safe internal use . While there are essential oils with applications that extend beyond this list , the GRAS list is a credible resource to help confirm the safety of using essential oils internally .

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Add to beverages
Take in the dōTERRA Veggie Caps
Put a drop directly under your tongue
Take dōTERRA essential oil supplements
Use in favorite recipes
Effective methods for internal application
• Add essential oils to your favorite recipes by replacing fresh or dried herbs and spices with a drop of oil when cooking or baking
• Place essential oil drops into a veggie capsule and swallow with water ( this excludes oils that should always be diluted — Cassia , Cinnamon , Oregano , etc .)
• Add an essential oil to a glass of water , your morning smoothie , milk , tea , or your other favorite beverages
• Place a few drops of an essential oil into a small amount of yogurt or applesauce