Osservatorio antisemitismo | Page 11

“ Nazi-Zionism ”, “ Nazis ”, “ beasts of Satan ”, “ demons ”, “ devil ’ s spawn ”, “ beasts ”, “ animals ”, “ root of evil ”, “ they are the most ruthless terrorists who rule the world ”, “ Israel a people of terrorist murderers ”, “ Nazi-Zionist state ”, “ Zionazis go back to the sewer ”, “ Zionist beasts ”, “ repugnant monsters ”, “ Hitler ’ s grandchildren ”, “ Zionist criminals are worse than Nazism or Fascism ”, “ Jews , your Nazi torturers taught you well , may you suffer all you are doing to the Palestinian people , one-hundred-fold !!!”, “ you do not deserve to be called humans ”, “ the true Nazis ”, “ Zionists cancer to be extirpated ”, “ Nazi Jews ”, “ when are we finally going to get rid of these Nazis ”.
Example of online anti-Semitism
• “ the Jews are a race to be exterminated ”: A Jewish woman received a message on Facebook : “ the Jews are a race to be exterminated ” for their behavior toward the Palestinians . ( January 27 , 2015 )
• “ It ’ s raining it ’ s pouring the Jew ’ s stopped snoring ”: A user posted this on Facebook : “ It ’ s raining it ’ s pouring / The Jew ’ s stopped snoring / The Jew in the stall / The ovens are all on and the Fascists are / reborn !!! hooray ”. The comment is reported to Facebook administrators who decide to leave it online because “ it doesn ’ t violate community standards ”. ( January 28 , 2015 )
• Anti-Semitic message on the social network “ Chatta . it ”: After posting a comment defending the State of Israel , a user of the platform Chatta . it received the following message : “ shut up you piece-of-shit Jew , you should have died like all your ancestors dissolved in acid . They were right to use you for experiments , and especially to make you