Orthopedics This Week - 2018 | July 17, 2018

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 23 | JULY 17, 2018 WEEK IN REVIEW Ten Best Sports Medi- 4 >> The cine Technologies for 2018 Here are the ten best sports medi- cine technologies of 2018. Not only are these creative and innovative products, but they also offer cost-effective solu- tions as well. Pressure is high to in- crease efficiency, reduce costs, all while also improving patient outcomes, and these technologies deliver. Trousdale v. Mullaji: Knee 13 Navigation: Lost in Space >> Computer-assisted total knee ar- throplasty has its proponents and its critics. In this debate two of the most accomplished and articulate total knee surgeons debate the value and efficacy of computer assist devices in the OR. Tremendous and very timely discussion. BREAKING NEWS 18 Milestone Study Accurately Pre- dicts Rheumatoid Arthritis ................................................................ 19 Oxygen-Deprived Stem Cells More Effective at Making Bone ................................................................ 23 Making Cell-Based Cartilage Pro- duction Scalable ................................................................ 24 Drug Proves Successful in Treating Dupuytren’s Disease ................................................................ 27 Andrews Receives NATA Presi- dent’s Award ................................................................ 26 Pain Study: Stop Opioids to RELIEVE Pain For all news that is ortho, read on. ryortho.com | 1-888-352-1952