Optical Prism July 2018 | Page 43

WHEN YOU RECEIVE A NEGATIVE REVIEW: Respond immediately Customers expect a quick response to their review. The longer it takes, the less likely they are to forgive the situation. In a recent Google review study, 63 per cent of customers say a business has never responded to their review. Take if offline Don’t try to fix the problem online; it might just make it worse. Apologize and ask them if you can contact them right away to fix the problem. Follow up and make it right When you fix a situation gone bad, you can turn an upset customer into an office advocate. In fact, in another study by the Retail Consumer Report, of those who had a negative experience fixed: 33 per cent turned around and posted a positive review; 34 per cent deleted their original negative review. Use the review as a staff training tool Building and maintaining a high-level reputation online is just good business and should be part of your ongoing focus. Customers are going to continue to look at online information to make business decisions. Ensure what they find about your business online shows you care even when things go wrong. Staff hate reviews, but you can spin this into a positive by highlighting and discussing both negative and positive reviews when they hap- pen. Also, take the opportunity to reward and incentivize positive reviews so there is a bonus when good things happen in the office. Trudi Charest is the co-Founder of 4ECPs, a business resource company for eyecare professionals. 4ECPs has six visions, marketing, training, social media, payments, jobsite and events. Trudi can be reached at www.4ecps.com or [email protected]. OPTICAL PRISM | July 2018 41