Optical Prism July 2018 | Page 42

TURNING A NEGATIVE REVIEW INTO A POSITIVE By Trudi Charest, RO Online reviews are a way of business these days and we need to not only be actively requesting reviews from our customers, we need to be prepared when we receive a review that is not positive. Your current and potential custom- ers are online everyday, searching for eyecare and eyewear providers. Reviews play a huge role in convinc- ing people to try a new business or return to a business they know. We know to look at not only how many reviews a business has, which makes us automatically think they are amazing if they have a lot of reviews, but we look for that telltale score. Many of us won’t even consider a business that does not rate some- where between 4.0 to 5.0. So now that you know how important reviews are, what do you do when you receive a not-so-positive review? It’s not only important from an online exposure perspective, but also from an internal team perspective. We all take it personally when someone jumps on us online and tells everyone how awful we are. It hurts our feelings, our pride and our productivity. The good news is, when handled properly, not only is it possible to turn the experience around for the customer but it’s also possible to use this experience to improve your in- office experiences.