Opportunity Zone Magazine Opportunity Zone Magazine Volume 1, Issue 1 | Page 57

1031 EXCHANGE VS. OPPORTUNITY ZONES 1031 Exchange vs. Opportunity Zones: How QOZs can help 1031 Exchange Clients NT) By Lance Growth With the introduction of Opportunity Zones, taxpayers have more options to better protect their capital and reinvest into the economy. O ne of the hardest conversations with clients might be the disappointing fact that they can’t exchange the value of their business. For years, savvy investors have used a 1031 exchange to shield themselves from burdensome capital gains tax. In the state of California, investors save an average of 33 percent when they utilize a 1031 exchange for the sale of an investment property by deferring their capital gains tax. A 1031 exchange is a section of the U.S. internal revenue code that allows investors to defer capital gains tax on an exchange of like-kind properties held for business or investment. Even personal property was once exchangeable, however, due to the passage of the 2017 Tax cuts and Jobs Act, 1031 exchanges are now only applicable to real property. Though this minor change in wording has led to a dramatic change in what kind of assets can be exchangeable, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Job Act did however provide some measure of relief for the limitation added to a 1031 exchange through the introduction of Qualified Opportunity Zones. OPPORTUNITYZONEMAGAZINE.COM 55