Opportunity Zone Magazine Opportunity Zone Magazine Volume 1, Issue 1 | Page 48

46 OPPORTUNITY ZONE MAGAZINE | VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 1 Qualified Opportunity Funds: Compare & Contrast Direct & Indirect Investments By Valerie Grunduski What are the differences between direct and indirect investments when it comes to the amount, timeframe, proposed regulations and investment strategies. N early every week, there are multiple reports of new Qualified Opportunity Funds launching. Once a sleeper provision of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the opportunity zone incentive has spurred a great deal of activity as of late. While we are still awaiting additional g uida nce f rom Trea sur y a nd the Inter nal Revenue Service, fund managers have begun to feel they have enough direction to start laying the groundwork in this new investment space. T he oppor tunit y zone prog ram wa s introduced with the intention of spur ring investment in low-income com mu nities. Wit h over 8,70 0 identi fied quali fied opportunity zones, the potential impact is significant. This program provides tax deferrals and gain exclusions f o r i nve s t o r s w h o p l a c e c a p it a l g a i n s i n t o a n e w investment vehicle known as a “Qualified Opportunity Fund” (QOF). A QOF is an entity that self-certifies t h at at lea st 90 p ercent of it s a s s et s a re Q u a li f ie d Opportunity Zone Property (QOZP). QOZP consists of qualified opportunity zone stock, qualified opportunity zone partnership interests, or investment into Qualified Opportunity Zone Business Property (QOZBP). As a result, investments into QOZBP can be direct or indirect, and it is important to understand how the statute and proposed regulations provide different guidelines for these two strategies. OPPORTUNITYZONEEXPO.COM