OPENSPACE 24: The Future of Space Exploration | Page 7

ordwijk, Netherlands us Chief Technology Office’s CDF Toulouse, France University of New South Wales (UNSW)’s CDF Canberra, Australia of the Airbus CTO’s CDF in Toulouse, France. various functions. In the future, the facility will also have data Golkar built on his previous experience at the Concurrent scientists supporting study post-processing and will work Engineering Design Laboratory (CEDL), based at the toward generating new knowledge through artificial learning Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in Moscow, techniques based on the data generated in CDF sessions. Russia, to design the Airbus CTO’s CDF. “In both occasions, “We went beyond the traditional idea of design tables the idea was to build on the experience of other facilities and equipped with fixed workstations—we want CDFs to be capture the opportunities enabled by the advancement of IT highly dynamic environments able to adapt and evolve as technologies over the last decade,” he said. new technologies appear. The idea of virtualization is likewise The Airbus CTO’s CDF team includes a coordinator important, and it is essentially the idea of introducing cloud who oversees scheduling, planning, and shaping studies technologies to quickly deploy new tools in studies as well in the facility; an engineering study leader in charge of as providing convenient means to retrieve, process, and facilitating studies; and supporting systems engineers for archive data,” Golkar added. 07