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T H E I M P O R TA N C E O F T E C H N O L O G Y “So what makes a brilliant, powerful poster? Posters are about distillation. Every great campaign can be distilled to a poster; it is the barometer of the power of the idea.” Mark Tutssel Global Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett Worldwide and Creative Chairman, Publicis Communications Who would have thought that in today’s technology and mobile-driven world, the oldest form of information exchange, the poster, would become the media channel of the future? Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising is more powerful than ever. It is one of the purest forms of communication. It reaches consumers on the path-to-purchase better than any other ad medium, transforming business and impacting society. As technology propels us further down this supercharged highway, OOH will become a creative canvas second to none. A study by ZenithOptimedia found that people are exposed to OOH for 107.2 minutes each day. Meanwhile, a Microsoft Corp. study found that a goldfish has an attention span of nine seconds while a human’s is only eight! What does this mean for communicators? To deliver a message effectively, we need potent graphic language, pure simplicity and a surprise element, usually driven by technology, to compete for that attention. So what makes a brilliant, powerful poster? Posters are about distillation. Every great campaign can be distilled to a poster; it is the barometer of the power of the idea. When done right, OOH grabs people by the eyeballs and stops them in their tracks; the message opens inside our minds, not on the space where it appears. Mercedes-Benz’s Skidmarks, winner of the Cannes Lions Grand Prix in 1997, was the godfather of the ‘visual solution’. It was a game changer as it was one of the very first ideas that credited the audience’s intelligence with a visual story they had to decode. The poster conveyed maximum meaning with minimal elements. OOH advertising presents infinite possibilities to create ‘theatre of the streets’ and your goal is to earn a standing ovation. In recent years, McDonald’s used theatre to great effect with their award-winning work for Sundial, Fresh salads, and Fry lights. British Airways’ Magic of flying demonstrated how technology beautifully brought a 2D poster to life with full automation using real-time data. The billboard featured a child reacting in wonder to actual British Airways’ planes as they flew overhead, giving audiences on the streets a spectacle to behold. By combining technology and simple imagery for a strong emotional message, Ad Council’s Love has no labels received 40 million views in just two days after a video of the stunt was posted online. After just three weeks it became the second most viewed public service announcement in history. I’ve always believed that greater participation yields a greater effect. These next two ideas are the best examples of rewarding people’s engagement by celebrating their lives. In 2013, Coca-Cola had an ambitious idea: to unite people from nations separated by conflict through shared experiences. Small world machines debuted in India and Pakistan and caught on worldwide. It set a new cultural benchmark for the company, earning them Creative Marketer of the Year honours at Cannes. This is the alchemy of creativity and technology, showing where the future lies in interactivity and the impact of advertising on society. For Shot on iPhone 6 (p. 10–19) Apple consolidated the best photographs submitted by 162 iPhone 6 users globally and transformed them into 10,000 installations in 73 cities in 25 countries. It comes full circle to a paper poster but fuelled by participation that’s genuine, effective and memorable. Through the lens of the people, Apple celebrated its participation in the brand and the quality of the product. The 2016 Cannes Lions Outdoor G