OPEN2 | Page 28

HUMOUR ME | CONTINUED ... ABOVE Sexpo has made major changes to its style of advertising. / 24 treatments of sexual concepts were found to make an advertisement more likely to be acceptable. In the nine years I have been with the ASB I have watched with interest the changes in style of outdoor advertising. Of particular interest are the changes made by OOH advertisers to imagery and language on billboards in line with community reactions and feedback. One advertiser, Sexpo, has made major changes to its style of advertising. After receiving complaints about its original images, which depicted bikini-clad women in sexualised poses, the advertiser considered the issues raised and changed to more benign images of couples smiling, while still using the word ‘Sexpo’. This adapted style of advertising did not have a negative effect; in fact, we are led to believe there has been an increase in attendance at these events. I believe that community reactions to advertisements will continue to differ and change, and that OOH will move and adapt to these changes as it has since the first billboard was erected in Australia. I also know the many different reactions to advertisements will ensure that the complaints process and decisions made by the ASB will continue to receive both good and bad press and that the value of self-regulation of advertising in Australia will continue to be debated. I see this as a positive. Debate after all provides insight into issues.