Online MR Magazine May Edition 2016 Issue 1 | Page 18

the ‘ truth ’ is uncovered where work together ? Big MR anyone ? the perspectives appear

Quality at speed is of to differ . We call this the “ dissonance differential ” - and much deeper research on these occasions ( viarch study ) allows for the determination of one single reality seen from the different perspectives ; triangulated truth .

An excellent example would be work we ’ ve conducted for a major European logistics firm , where we installed a large customer satisfaction tracker for web-based communications and marketing . This regular data was analysed both in initial isolation by our researchers ; then in combination with both the firm ’ s website analytics data ( from their developers and internal analysts ), and also alongside social media posts selected for their relevance to the firm ’ s website and the web-based delivery . This helped uncover , decipher and diagnose those course possible , with necessary knowledge , budget and the resource . Utilising a third party consulting firm make sense , as they can take the load and responsibility and deliver against brief ( needs ).

We evolved the consciousness ; decoded the genome ; we have counted the stars and mapped the infinite universe ( and gave it a birth date ); of course we can leverage any large data set or multiple data sets for the information and insight ! But equally , there is a lot of fluff and hype around this area , and a Californian-like gold-rush just to be there . The large firms may well best be placed to handle the massive data that is out there and being generated

Do market researchers listen to the client ’ s problems when the clock is ticking for them to deliver fast results ? How do we ensure that we don ’ t fall into this pitfall ? How can we make market research FAST and importantly without compromising on quality of data ?

Darren Mark Noyce : The best market research consultants , as you will find at Skopos , will always listen and adapt to a client ’ s needs and issues - and will at all times advise if data quality ( or anything else ) might be at risk , whether this be through speed , budget , design or something else . As we all know , there are firms out there who will provide “ instant insights ” for a fee , but here you will find little or no advice or service ( or even communication if it is a DIY platform ). This is absolutely

perhaps more hidden smaller

in the

exponential amounts

fine if the client is confident

issues , that have a big impact by firms and their customers . and knows the limitations of

on customer / user satisfaction ,

But as

experience at my firm

any platform . But caution is

e . g . in this case not being able to find a simple phone number on the website ( and talk to tells us , this may only need to a greater need for further explanatory ( market ) research advised , especially if it seems to be too good to be true ( e . g . “ instant insights for peanuts ”).

someone ). Having not been very

to help

decipher the more

explicitly covered in the survey ,


insights the big

But sometimes speed is a

it was found to be an issue via regular Twitter messages from a select number of customers .

Can we fully comprehend and leverage the power of BIG DATA ? Or are we just honking about it to feel good ? data no doubt will produce . Big data analysts (“ data scientists ”) have to ensure though they are uncovering new facts and insights , or describing the behaviours that could be very interesting and useful to the decision-makers in firms , and are able to communicate them well , or the power and the magic necessity , perhaps to counter an emergency or competitor move . Quality at speed is of course possible , with necessary knowledge , budget and the resource . Utilising a third party consulting firm makes sense , as they can take the load and responsibility and deliver against brief ( needs ). They can also

Darren Mark Noyce : Yes and yes !

will be lost . Market Research has

ensure the necessary


With the power of technology , and the amazing curiosity , sensitivity and capability of the human brain , we are more than capable of analysing virtually any data set . a true tradition and heritage in providing such flexible impactful insight solutions , delivered to decision-makers in an actionable trusted way . Can Big Data do this on its own ? Perhaps we should

( even at speed ) by ensuring the study design is as scientific as possible , valid and reliable ( the sample structure , the questionnaire design , the analysis spec , the statistics , the