Online Library Payment Demographics | Page 10

Administration Viewing changes at a glance 8 The final section to review contains the Administration information for that specific record. Here is some information on each of the specific fields: Credit Card Has Problem – When this value = No, the card can be used for AutoPay processing; when this value = Yes, the card will not be used for AutoPay processing, eliminating unnecessary transaction fees. Authorization date – Automatically displays the date each time this record is authorized through PayPal. This includes the initial authorization to create the record, the date each time the record is used during AutoPay processing, and each time the record is re-authorized by the Re-Authorize Payment Demographics utility (See UX Online Users Guide for more information). Problem Description – Populated by the system with a short description if the credit card authorization fails during AutoPay processing. Expire Date – System populated date field based on credit card expiration date. Can be used to support record queries for Payment Demographics records by expiration date. Owner, Modified By, Modified On, Created By, Created On – This marginal information is populated based on who created and/or modified that record. Contact or Account – This field will display the contact or account associated with this Payment Demographics record.