The girl had enough and stormed into the house. The duo became shocked, even more when the girl started shouting at them for being so rude, but eventually the old bearded man got up and politely asked “I am going to ask you to come with us, we must prove that the legend is a just that, a legend”. Our little beauty had… little choice, as the big burly man grabbed her and put her in a sack.

She stayed in the sack for what seemed an eternity, up until she was awoken by a beam of light. It took her time to realize, that the beam wasn’t coming from between tree leaves, but rather from metal bars, surrounded by walls made from square stone and laying on a pile of hay. She panicked. Not a minute past until the bearded man showed himself and calmed her. “Don’t worry, you’re going to be alright,” he said. Then the big burly man showed himself and “escorted” the girl outside, where she saw people, many people, more people, than she knew while being a child. But everyone was afraid, terrified. To be exact, the silence was eerie, something you shouldn’t hear from such a crowd of people. Then the old man spoke “You see she is here, standing, breathing, but there are no fires, no hail, no storm, or plague, so she is not the cause of it”.