The girl’s parents were afraid of the incident reoccurring, so Father hid the doll in the attic. At the same night, the girl woke up because of knocking noises coming from above. She realized that the sound was coming from the attic. The girl got up and began talking to someone and soon started laughing. Because of the noises, her parents were awoken. When they opened the door, they saw their daughter running through the hallway.

“You won’t catch me!” she screamed. The parents went after the girl wanting to know what she was doing.

“We are playing hide and seek,” she explained

“What do you mean by saying “we”?” the parents were concerned.

She didn’t answer, just pointed at the ceiling where the attic was located. Suddenly a noise came from there. The parents were terrified but Father still wanted to check what is up there. He climbed up the stairs and as soon as he entered the attic, the door shut behind him with a terribly loud noise.

“Is anybody here?” asked Dad. Everything went quiet for a while but then horrific screams filled the room. In between the screams, the man was able to make out some words. It sounded like someone’s spine-chilling whispers.