On Your Doorstep Issue 5 | Page 10

that nourish me. I cannot help but find luminance – or some combination of these are good for my health. It seems to be something that grabs me. I go there under qualities. When one flower catches my true for others as well, attested to in these a cloud, and come home having seen and attention, out of all the plants around it, I comments written by some of my exhibit photographed a “Waterlily Impression,” or look to discover which of these qualities viewers: a “Tulip Revealed” – uplifted. Where in are the magnets pulling me in. Then my nature could you go when your sense of inner photographer wants to discover how “You take the mind to a new space of well being needs a lift? an image might convey this awareness. peace.” Whether I am encountering a flower that is If in looking at an image, I say – or I hear “These pictures give you a calming effect new to me, or revisiting one that’s familiar, someone else say – “wow, I never saw it from the outside storm.” I engage with it in search of its essence like that before” or “I had no idea a poppy – what is it about this type of flower – or look like that up close, it’s amazing”, then What natural space near your doorstep will this particular flower – that conveys its I know a real connection has been made, you go next that might inspire hope, stir heart, its uniqueness, that which draws my if only for a moment. That connection your creative juices, and perhaps enable full attention. It may be its shape/design/ has healing power. These experiences of you to help sooth or lift someone else’s geometry or its texture, its color or its being drawn in, captivated, and amazed spirits? Crowning Too 10