“On the Relation of Philosophy and Art” (Art & Michel luc Bellemare) By the Art Garage Moscow

“On the Relation of Philosophy and Art”: (Talking with National Gallery of Canada Artist Michel Luc Bellemare) Care of The Art Gallery of Ontario The relation of philosophy and art is a complex one. However, according to national gallery of Canada artist Michel Luc Bellemare, “art and philosophy are mutually constituted. Art is the continuation of philosophy by other means. Art and philosophy are synonymous in the sense that art, specifically pure abstraction painting, is the realization of philosophy, it is the pragmatism of philosophy. Abstract art is the materialization of philosophy in material terms. From Dada to Color-realism, these art forms are about concepts, conceptualism and realizing philosophy in the practical terms of everyday life”. It is true that Matisse once said that “the goal of art was to realize philosophy” so in many respects this is what is being done with pure abstraction painting is it not? “Yes”, says Michel, “Take for example color-realism, whose fundamental precept is that color is the basic language upon which all other languages develop; the language of color is the alpha and omega of communication and general linguistics”. For Michel, “color has this mystical quality to it, it seems to transcend all linguistic barriers, unifying them and allowing relations to develop between all languages. It is important to note here that without color there would be no concepts inhabiting our minds. One could not think of a square without color. The concept of the square requires color in order to be conceptualized in the mind’s eye and in our memory bank. This means that color is an integral part of our basic concepts about the world”. So where does abstract art come in? Its seems that pure abstraction painting is the language at the limits of painting, where color is the focus, i.e. the communication of color, examining how color communicates with the collective unconscious and individuals in general so as to get certain pragmatic things done. Philosophically at least with color-realism, you have for the first time an actual unification of philosophy and art, and moreover an elevation of art over philosophy in the sense that pure abstraction painting is the material manifestation of pure philosophy, which is the pure idea, the idealess idea. The result of which with color-realism is that the viewer gets an uncanny feeling about the world. This is a sign that philosophy has materialized and that there is a communication via color with the viewer and more specifically the collective unconscious. Art has always had this divine metaphysical quality about it, and this is pronounced and emphasized in pure abstraction painting. And with its material manifestation, i.e. via a painting, philosophy, i.e. the spirit of philosophy, i.e. the essential concept of philosophy, which is totally abstract for the most part, touches the material, manifest in the material world as a work of pure abstract art and for a select few as an uncanny experience. This is the zenith and nadir of communication, it is direct communication with the beyond, the transcendental, the collective unconscious. This idea of pure abstraction painting being at the limit of communication and painting is not new but it has reached its most comprehensive articulation with color-realism, which is a philosophy and an art-form that concerns itself with the essence of color and pure abstract communication. An excerpt from a conversation with Dr. Michel Luc Bellemare Ph.D., Professional Abstract Artist Art Gallery of Ontario