On the Record - 2016 | Page 8


Consent Consultation Feedback

This summer we asked for feedback on proposed revisions to the Standards for Consent and you delivered . We received 207 responses from OTs in diverse areas of practice , practice settings and natures of practice ( clinical , non-clinical ).
Thank you . Your time and input are greatly appreciated .
The Data Eight standards are included in the Standards for Consent . Your averaged responses to our questions about the proposed revisions to those eight standards appear below .


% Yes Responses

Do you understand this standard ?
Does the standard clearly describe what the OT is expected to do ?
Does this standard reflect current practice ?
Do the performance indicators clearly describe behaviours that demonstrate the standard is being met ?

98.9 % 97.6 % 94.1 % 97.3 %

7 College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario ON THE RECORD 2016