On the Record - 2016 | Page 22

Council Meeting Highlights

January 28 , 2016
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
The College Council welcomed Allison Henry and David Lamb from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care who joined the meeting to discuss the Ministry ’ s strategic focus of Patients First : Health Workforce Planning & Regulation . The presentation provided an opportunity for College Council to learn more about the Ministry ’ s focus and how the College ’ s ongoing commitment to transparency , accountability and professional collaboration can further these priorities .
Medical Assistance in Dying
Kevin Reel , occupational therapist and ethicist , engaged Council in a conversation about Physician Assisted Suicide and OT Practice . Changing legislation and the impact on the role of the occupational therapist will be a topic of further conversation . [ read Kevin Reel ’ s article on page 9 ]
College Governance
As an ongoing accountability practice , Council reviewed and approved amendments to governance policies . To learn more about College governance , visit the Public Information section of www . coto . org .
March 31 , 2016
Bylaw Amendments
Council reviewed stakeholder feedback to proposed bylaw amendments that would require the College to publish more information on the public register ( Find an Occupational Therapist ). To help people make informed choices about their health care , the bylaw amendments proposed publishing the following outcomes issued as a result of a complaint or report :
21 College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario ON THE RECORD 2016