On the Record - 2016 | Page 17

Public Information and Bylaw Changes

What are Cautions , Undertakings and SCERPs ?

Cautions , Undertakings and SCERPs are types of decision outcomes that can be made by the ICRC . They are issued in response to concerns respecting an OT ’ s conduct , knowledge , skills or judgment which the ICRC think presents a moderate risk to the public . These outcomes are made when the ICRC wants the OT ’ s practice to improve , and when the ICRC believes with education or remediation or by receiving a caution , the OT ’ s practice is likely to improve .


Cautions are issued when the ICRC has substantial concerns about the conduct or practice of an OT that has or can have direct impact on patient care , safety or public interest . The OT attends , in person , before a panel of the ICRC , and must listen to the panel make a formal statement detailing its concerns about the OT ’ s conduct or practice . The ICRC will also inform the OT about how the OT ought to practice or behave in the future .
The Inquiries , Complaints & Reports Committee ( ICRC ) reviews concerns about a registrant ’ s practice that have been brought to the attention of the College .


Undertakings are issued when the ICRC identifies that an OT needs education and / or remediation to improve his or her practice . Undertakings are offered to OTs whom the ICRC considers likely to voluntarily agree to an education and / or remediation plan . Undertakings are like contracts between the College and the OT : the OT agrees to complete certain educational or remediation activities within a certain period of time , subject to the College ’ s oversight . The activities might include writing a reflective paper , taking educational courses , mentoring , a peer assessment and practice monitoring .


SCERPs are issued when the ICRC identifies that an OT needs education and / or remediation to improve his or her practice . Unlike undertakings , the OT is not given the option of voluntarily agreeing to such education or remediation . The ICRC orders a tailored education or remediation program that the OT must successfully complete within a set period of time .
A full list of information that is ( and is not ) publicly available about OTs is available online at www . coto . org > For the Public > How to Find an Occupational Therapist
College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario ON THE RECORD 2016