On The Pegs September 2019 - Volume 4 - Issue 9 | Page 114

On The Pegs 114 diana) as the site for a fundraiser ride every year I qualified. It’s nice because you feel like people are really getting something nice for the money they donate, and the event itself is usually a ton of fun to put on too! Online Fundraising: This is a good option if there are people out there who would like to support you, but don’t want a t-shirt and live too far away for a ride day or spaghetti dinner. It was usually brought in the least out of all my ef- forts, but on the bright side, there is no investment cost. Buy or Rent After you’ve spent all this energy and effort getting to the ISDE, the last thing you want to do is have a mechanical failure. Unless you’re Charlie Williams, who once said he spent the first half of the ISDE trying to baby the bike along so it would finish and then the last half trying to blow it up so he’d have a good excuse to quit, there is never a moment where a breakdown is anything short of heartbreaking. This means that sending one of your practice bikes (which makes the major assumption that you do have two bikes) or even a bike that you’ve got half a season on, is not the best idea. If you do send a used bike you HAVE