on the button Issue 60 | Page 8

Beds CPRE Slam CBC Local Plan The Bedfordshire Arm of the Campaign for Rural England have torn apart the new local plan for Central BedfordshiRe A report by CPRE on the recently published document slates the document and asks for CBC to ‘look again at the plan’. CPRE criticise CBC for issuing the plan during summer holidays saying this is ‘hardly democratic’. The introduction of the report states that CPRE Bedfordshire has ‘major concerns’ over a number of the proposals made in the Plan stating they are ‘unjustified, contrary to national planning policy and may ultimately weaken the Plan’. The report disputes CBC’s figure on housing saying the planned figure of 20,000 to 30,000 new homes is more likely to be 42,600 and 54,960 as stated elsewhere in the plan. The report goes on the dispute sections on employment, transport and available land within the area. You can view the CPRE report on the Local Plan here: www.cprebeds.org.uk/news/current-events-2/item/download/717 Central Bedfordshire Council held a ‘Drop-In’ session on July 26th to display and hear views/comments on their New Local Plan. Around 90 people turned out at Arlesey Village Hall to view the outlined information. The plan sets out Central Bedfordshire Council vision for the next 20 years. Mainly the plan centres on a huge number of dwellings being built in areas around the county. An extra 2,000 houses are in the plan for Arlesey. This is over and above the 1,400 houses destined to be built after the adoption of the Arlesey Masterplan in 2015. Work on this initial expansion is due to start later this year. As reported in last month’s on the button the Draft Local Plan can be viewed online and residents can comment on the document. Visit : www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/planning/policy/local-plan/ local-plan.aspx 8 on the button issue 60 August 2017 | 01462 834265 | ATC object to proposed bridge PLAN FOR NEW BRIDGE FOR ARLESEY MASTERPLAN NOT SYMPATHETIC An application has been lodged with CBC Planning Department for a bridge over the A507 east of Arlesey as part of the Masterplan for the village. The structure which is proposed to link the new development with Etonbury Wood, Etonbury Academy and Stotfold. Arlesey Town Council discussed the bridge at a meeting recently the Town Council has lodged an objection with Central Bedfordshire Council in writing, highlighting the metal and wooden bridge was unsympathetic to the emerging neighbourhood plan. View plans for the proposed bridge here: www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/planning/view-comment/ applications.aspx and search for application CB/17/02681/FULL [email protected] | www.on-the-button.co.uk