on the button Issue 31 | Page 11

Arlesey Town Council Election May 7th 2015 Arlesey Deserves Better IF Arlesey Town Councillors didn’t follow party political whips IF Arlesey Town Councillors had no conflicting business/financial interests IF Arlesey Town Councillors simply worked with and for our community IF Arlesey Town Councillors were open, honest and transparent IF Arlesey folk are dreaming ‘if only’ then dream no longer ACT - VOTE IfA Independent candidates standing for election under the IfA logo above are committed to serving the Arlesey community with independence, honesty, truth and local pride. Any candidate standing under the IfA logo has signed up to a common ethos of simply working with and for the Arlesey community, with no business/ financial/party political motivations. All candidates live in Arlesey and will stand down should they subsequently move. Below is the current list of Independent candidates who are planning to stand at the forthcoming election under the IfA logo : Gursh Bains Paul Chillery Chris Ferris Find out more about Independents for Arlesey: http://independentsforarlesey.co.uk http://www.facebook.com/independentsforarlesey http://www.facebook.com/groups/IFA2014/ Chris Gravett Mick Holloway Kathy Lindskog Chris Livermore Jim Randall Use your vote on Vote for ALL canididates with the IfA logo by their name Sandra Sarll Steve Stanbury Jon Want Andrew Ward Arlesey Deserves Better to advertise telephone: 01462 834265 or go to the website: www.onthebuttonarlesey.co.uk | March 2015 | 11 7