on the button issue 17 | Page 5

Arlesey Nursery School and Childcare Centre It has been a very busy half term at the Nursery. In November the children raised money for Children in Need by wearing their pyjamas or onesies to Nursery that day. The children also completed some Pudsey Bear themed activities and enjoyed dancing to the Children In Need song. The children have enjoyed the lead up to Christmas at the Nursery. They have been very busy learning lots of Christmas songs and actions which they performed to their parents and other family members. The children also visited Gothic House to sing to the residents there. The residents also appreciated the mince pies the children had made for them. A recent Ofsted Inspection has also kept us busy at the Nursery. This inspection confirmed the things that we believe we do well here and it has also helped us to think about what we can do to further improve our Nursery as we move forward. We had some very positive feedback from parents during the inspection which was pleasing. We say goodbye to our remaining full time children who will be moving up to Gothic Mede Academy in January. We wish them lots of luck in their new school. recycle Please help to raise money for Gothic Mede Academy and Arlesey Nursery School by donating some of your waste to be used by a company called TerraCycle. This company collects typically non-recyclable waste packaging materials and recycles it into plastic products such as waste bins or watering cans, or ‘upcycles’ it into new products such as pencil cases and lunch bags. TerraCycle awards points equal to about £0.02 per item recycled, which will go towards both Gothic Mede Academy and Arlesey Nursery School. Credit is given for the following items: • ANY brand of baby food pouches and caps • Ella’s Kitchen snack wrappers or porridge pouches •  ny brand coffee refill bags, coffee bean bags, single serving coffee A sachets and coffee jar lids. Gothic Mede Academy It’s been a busy term! On the 1st of November Gothic Mede Lower School converted to Academy Status as part of a local Multi Academy Trust (BEMAT). On the face of it children, parents and the wider community will notice little difference in the day to day life of the school but behind the scenes there is much improved access to a wider range of expertise and opportunities for our pupils. There is also a great benefit derived from collaboration with our local schools at both Middle and Upper school level. Exciting times ahead! Within school the children have marked the solemn respect for those who fought in wars at the Remembrance Service at the War Memorial and equally enjoyed the fun of wearing pyjamas to raise money for Children in Need. At Gothic Mede Academy we firmly believe that our pupils should value and care for those in our local community as well as those in national and international communities. Once again the children donated gifts as part of the Shoebox Appeal to provide Christmas presents for children in other countries. As the number on roll continues to increase we found we needed to perform our Christmas Concerts three times to fit our audience in!! It was particularly nice to welcome Grandparents to their own special performance this year too. We continue to look for opportunities to take part in the life of the community and also to welcome community members into school. If you have an hour or two to spare, a special skill – art, sewing, knitting, crafts, cooking, gardening, photography - and are willing to offer some of your valuable time, do let us know via the office! Mr Archer •  NY brand of multipack biscuit wrappers or non-savory biscuits (such as A Digestives or Hobnobs) • working or non-working mobile phones (up to £2.00 given for these)  • working or non-working laptops (up to £2.00 given for these)   Please keep this list of items handy and save any of these items that you use at home or work, and encourage friends and family to do the same.  They can be donated using the designated collection box in the Resource Centre. You can visit terracycle.co.uk for more information, or email [email protected]. Many t