On Our Way to Endless Opportunity On Our Way to Endless Opportunity | Page 16

50% of respondents said their biggest challenge was reaching customers. What We Heard Challenges › › Competitive tax rates were mentioned as a challenge during the one- on-one interviews. › › Some businesses indicated the need to develop relationships with Councils prior to commencing the business but fear a change in elected officials could harm their ability to grow their businesses. › › Many businesses and residents identified lack of promotion as a challenge. Many residents, realtors or businesses did not know what was happening in the region and the economic development activity already taking place. › › Local business could not find a good source of business contacts/ service providers to keep as much work local as possible. Local businesses need to promote themselves, especially through the internet. › › There are some pockets of distrust/confrontation between municipalities in the region, however, intermunicipal cooperation is improving. › › Although small town atmosphere is promoted as a strength, some find the small town “politics/cliques” to be a challenge for new residents. › › Many businesses raised staffing as a challenge, getting the right staff is becoming increasingly difficult (both student employment and attracting skilled and semi-skilled labour). Increased minimum wages was noted as a significant challenge, especially when employing students or first-time workers. › › Residents and visitors identified it was difficult to access business services (restaurants, food supplies, etc.) after 5 pm. › › Small business owners are “getting tired” and do not want to keep regular hours, so either close the business or move to a home-based business. › › Although the region can provide most goods and services, the proximity to major markets is a challenge, as shoppers bypass the local business and support the major chain stores. Also, the housing choices in the major centres are attractive, especially for the younger families. › › Some felt there was not enough to do for youth and young families (e.g. after school programs, recreation, etc). › › “There are not enough people to support businesses and not enough business to draw people.” › › Some feel there is an oversupply of housing, but prices remain high. 46% of respondents said their biggest challenge was the economy. 16 | On Our Way to Endless Opportunity: An Economic Roadmap 33% of respondents indicated that high speed and the reliability of the internet service were challenges. 21% of responses cited municipal processes and red tape as a business challenge, as well as lack of support from the municipality.