ON Chiropractic Spring 2017 | Page 27

ON Chiropractic
When there is better integration of evidence-based alternative care options , we can reduce our reliance on pharmacotherapies for LBP and MSK conditions and improve overall health outcomes . 13

Canada has not handled pain management well , with millions of dollars and thousands of lives negatively impacted by an overreliance on opioids . But the tide is starting to change . There is a growing call for a new approach to pain management , one which reduces the barriers to non-opioid strategies including physical and psychological treatment . These calls for change are opening up new opportunities for chiropractors to demonstrate how they can offer healthy , low-risk , effective care which reduces pain , increases mobility and resilience , and helps to prevent future complications .

1 . Omand , G . ( 2017 , February 5 ). Alternative treatments needed to curb Canada ' s reliance on opioids : experts . Canadian Press . Retrieved from http :// globalnews . ca / news / 3228365 / alternative-treatmentsneeded-to-curb-canadas-reliance-onopioids /
2 . Canadian Chiropractic Association . ( 2016 ). A Better Approach to Pain Management : Responding to Canada ' s Opioid Crisis . White paper . Retrieved from https :// www . chiropractic . ca / wp-content / uploads / 2016 / 11 / A-Better-Approach-to- Pain-Management-in-Canada3-1 . pdf
3 . Gomes , T ., Mamdani , M . M ., Dhalla , I . A ., Cornish , S ., Paterson , J . M ., & Juurlink , D . N . ( 2014 , July 7 ). The burden of premature opioid-related mortality . Addiction , 109 ( 9 ), 1482-1488 . Retrieved from http :// onlinelibrary . wiley . com / doi / 10.1111 / add . 12598 / full
4 . Busse , J . ( 2016 , November 18 ). Prescribing Guidelines — bridging the gap between evidence and practice . Opioid Conference . Ottawa . Retrieved from http :// video . isilive . ca / hcsc / 2016-11-18 / english . html
5 . Ray , W . A ., Chung , C ., Murray , K ., Hall , K ., & Stein , C . ( 2016 ). Prescription of Long- Acting Opioids and Mortality in Patients With Chronic Noncancer Pain . JAMA , 315 ( 22 ), 2415-2423 .
6 . Chou , R ., Deyo , R ., Friedly , J ., Skelly , A ., Hashimoto , R ., Weimer , M ., . . . Brodt , E . ( 2017 ). Nonpharmacologic Therapies for Low Back Pain : A Systematic Review for an American College of Physicians Clinical Practice Guideline . Annals of Internal Medicine .
7 . Hudson , T ., Edlund , M ., Steffick , D ., Tripathi , S ., & Sullivan , M . ( 2008 ). Epidemiology of regular prescribed opioid use : results from a national , population-based survey . J Pain Symptom Manage , 36 ( 3 ), 280-8 .
8 . Busse , J ., Mahmood , H ., Maqbool , B ., Maqbool , A ., Zahran , A ., Alwasabai , A ., & Buckley , D . ( 2015 ). Characteristics of patients receiving long-term opioid therapy for chronic noncancer pain : a cross-sectional survey of patients attending the Pain Management Centre at Hamilton General Hospital , Hamilton , Ontario . CMAJ OPEN , 3 ( 3 ). Retrieved from http :// cmajopen . ca / content / 3 / 3 / E324 . full
9 . Abdel Shaheed , C ., Maher , C . G ., Williams , K . A ., Day , R ., & McLachlan , A . J . ( 2016 ). Efficacy , Tolerability , and Dose-Dependent Effects of Opioid Analgesics for Low Back Pain : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . JAMA Intern Med , 176 ( 7 ), 958-968 .
10 . Steering Committee of the 2017 Guideline for the Safe and Effective Use of Opioids for Chronic Non-
Cancer Pain . ( 2017 , January 30 ). Draft Recommendations & Rationales for the 2017 Canadian Opioid Guidelines . Retrieved from http :// nationalpaincentre . mcmaster . ca / documents / Opioid % 20 Guideline % 20Recommendations % 20 English . pdf
11 . van Tulder , M ., Koes , B ., & Malmivaara , A . ( 2006 ). Outcome of non-invasive treatment modalities on back pain : An evidence-based review . European Spine Journal , 15 ( 1 ), S61-S81 .
12 . Foundation for Chiropractic Progress . ( 2016 ). Chiropractic : A Safer Strategy Than Opioids . Retrieved from http :// www . f4cp . com / f4cp _ opioid _ white _ paper . pdf
13 . Centre for Effective Practice . ( 2016 ). PCLBP pilot qualitative evaluation phase 1 — report of findings . Toronto .
14 . De Guzman , M . -L . ( 2016 , August 17 ). Pilots for change : Charting the course for publicly funded low-back pain care program . Canadian Chiropractor . Retrieved from http :// www . canadianchiropractor . ca / collaboration / pilots-for-change-4455
15 . Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse . ( 2015 ). Prescription Opioids . Retrieved from http :// www . ccsa . ca / Resource % 20 Library / CCSA-Canadian-Drug-Summary- Prescription-Opioids-2015-en . pdf
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