OMS Outreach September-December Volume 2, No.3 | Page 13

thanks to the outpouring of the Lord’s Spirit on the Cuban people who have responded to the Gospel and connected with other believers. In addition, a va- riety of OMS ministries have helped support, grow, and strengthen the church, including Every Community for Christ, the Theological Education team, and Men for Missions, as well as OMS missionaries from Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Through the relationships with our two partner denominations in Cuba, we impact 23 other denominations in Cuba, which, in turn, has impacted the entire nation. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has reached all levels of Cuban society. We thank the Lord for opening doors for the body of Christ in Cuba and for calling Cubans who have been obedient to him and walked through those doors. As OMS Cuba field director, I follow the lead of our Cuban partners and ask two questions: “What are the initiatives of the national church?” and “How can we help?” Cuban believers greatly benefit from the holistic ways in which the ministries of OMS support the growth of the body, including: • Sending funds to help with evangelism, church planting, and leadership development. • Providing funds to purchase Bibles and other Christian books. • Forming prayer networks and doing prayer walks. • Preparing Cuban leaders for mission work. • Supporting compassionate ministries. • Giving business develop- ment advice. • Providing training, coach- ing, and encouragement for Cuban believers. • Providing funds for multi- purpose training centers. • Sending visiting theological education professors for further training in seminaries. • Offering marriage and family life conferences and training, as well as organizational leadership development training and coaching. The Cuban church leaders have asked for additional help in preparing and sending Cubans around the world. This is an exciting time for the body of Christ in Cuba to take up an even greater work in the world. The Lord has blessed them with the ability to go to many places where the Gospel is not … to reach the lost around the world. *Name withheld for security reasons. 13