OMS Outreach May-Aug 2017 | Page 14

By Jennifer Riggs, OMS Ecuador Missionary Missionary kids play an essential part of the ministry team. I grew up in Mexico as a missionary kid, and I always knew that I was part of my parents’ ministry rather than just going along for the ride. When I was a kid, I sat on the porch and taught other kids how to do puzzles and listened to their memory verses. I also spent time with neighbors, learning to make tortillas, taking care of their baby goats, planting corn, and weaving baskets, though I never did any of those things very well. I learned that just living life alongside others is ministry. It is showing love to others, showing them they matter to us and to God. Those lessons played a huge role in my life and how I currently view my ministry. As I work alongside other missionaries, I see them instilling these same values in their children. The kids share Christ as they love people through playtime, music, translating, and teaching. I recently interviewed the OMS Ecuador MKs about their ministries. Here are some of their responses: 14 14