OMS Outreach Jan - Apr 2016 | Page 20

And God Has Beth Jordal Sitting in the fellowship hall at Moody Bible Institute (MBI) seems like an appropriate place to write an article for OMS Outreach magazine, considering the history of the organization. Inspired by D.L. Moody, OMS cofounder Juji Nakada traveled from Japan to Chicago to find out how he could be filled with the Holy Spirit to enable him to share his faith with those who did not know God. Juji enrolled in Moody Bible Institute because he aspired to start a similar institute in his homeland. His heart broke for lost Japanese souls. God provided for Juji’s vision by connecting him with Charles Cowman while he was studying at MBI. And the rest, as we know, is history. From the inception of OMS in 1901, God has provided the resources needed to help missionaries take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. The OMS found- Communications Team One Mission Society ers sought God for funds, locations, infrastructure, and personnel, starting with Charles Cowman’s missionary band, which funded Juji’s Japanese ministry. Throughout the years, the organization knocked on the storehouses of heaven to provide for its needs. Most recently, the Lord called a young woman named Lauren to serve with the OMS missionaries in Budapest, Hungary. Because of her background in photography and video, OMS Hungary recruited her to use her talents to document what God is doing though the ministries there. God’s omniscient providence is revealed in that Lauren began serving just as the European refugee crisis escalated. The OMS Hungary team stepped up to respond to the crisis, and Lauren was there to tell the stories through her camera lens. Through her God-given gifts and talents, we have seen 20 Led And as OMS looks toward the future, we will continue the tried and true tradition of presenting our organizational needs to God, knowing he provides. The legacy our founders and former missionaries have entrusted to us today is a legacy of answered prayers of the missionaries and those who support their ministries. The best way we can honor the Lord and the OMS legacy through the One Opportunity Vision is to proceed with grateful hearts for God’s provision in the past and trust him to break our hearts for the lost so that we will rely on him for the resources, missionaries, and strategic partners to reach the world for Christ. the missionaries being the hands and feet of Jesus as they provided much-needed aid to the many people who were crossing the border with lit ѱ