OMA Annual Report 2016 OMA_Annual_Report_ForPrint_5_23 | Page 5

I N CO N V E R SAT I O N WI T H O U R C I T I ES The FUTURE CITIES conference brought together city thinkers and culture creators to talk about the future of our cities and the role collaboration will play in getting us there. P. 4 0 AG M A N D I N D U ST RY AWARDS An industry with heart Clever + creative OMA members donated OMA continued to recognise $26 million of media space and and celebrate the most creative advertising production to over and innovative OOH campaigns 200 beneficiaries. throughout the year. P. 20 P. 32 The OMA continued its strong The University of Melbourne partnership with the Australian MADE POSSIBLE BY MELBOURNE Federal Police and the New South campaign was announced as Wales Police with its eighth the winner of the 2016 annual consecutive year supporting Creative Collection Grand Prix. NATIONAL MISSING PERSONS WEEK. P. 30 P. 18 The OMA hosted its Annual General Meeting combined with the Members’ Industry Awards. P. 54 R E CO R D R ESULTS OOH N ET R EV EN U E U P 15.8% TO A N A LL-TIME HIG H OF $789.5M P. 44 Q2 Q3 Q4 ↑ 18.2% NET RE VENUE YE AR- O N-YEAR ↑ 14.8% N ET R EVEN U E YEA R -ON -YEA R ↑ 12.4% $184.6 m UP FRO M $1 56.2 M I LLI O N I N 201 5 $186.4 m U P FR OM $ 162. 4 MILLION IN 2015 $241.8 m NET REV EN U E YE A R- ON -Y EA R U P F ROM $ 215.1 MIL L ION IN 2015 3