OMA Annual Report 2016 OMA_Annual_Report_ForPrint_5_23 | Page 45

Industry research Out of Home (OOH) gives brands a primal advantage. N EW BIOMET RIC R ESEA R C H In August 2016, the OMA, in partnership with independent research agency Hoop Group, released the findings of a new state-of-the-art biometric research study* into understanding consumers inside and out of the home. This research showed that, as human beings, it is in our nature to be more alert when out of home, and revealed two new insights for the industry to take note of: that consumers are two times more alert and likely to act on messages than compared to inside the home, and they are 2.5 times more alert compared to screen time at home. “What’s significant about this research is that it captured people in their natural environments, giving an accurate read on their levels of arousal. The research shows we are more aroused when we’re out of home – our antennae are up. There’s more to react to, therefore we’re more likely to act. We’re wired to scan the environment for events that can impact on us or things that are linked to our goals. It’s a primal thing – survive and thrive. This is important news for marketers as we know arousal drives attention and memory encoding, both of which are key factors that underpin advertising message impact.” Dr. Phil Harris These new findings, combined with the immediacy, flexibility, scale and LEA DIN G CON SU MER N EU ROSCIEN T IST A N D HON OR A RY FELLOW, U N IVER SITY OF MEL B OU RN E impact that OOH already offers is a huge benefit for advertisers. RE S E A R C H SH OWS P EO P LE ARE 2X M O R E ALE RT AND LI K ELY TO AC T ON M ESSAGES WH E N O U TSI DE TH AN CO M PARED TO I NS I D E TH E H O M E * AND 2.5X MOR E A LERT COMPA R ED TO SCR EEN TIME AT HOME 43