OMA Annual Report 2016 OMA_Annual_Report_ForPrint_5_23 | Page 4

What weʼve been up to | SECTION 01 2016 highlights IT'S A L L A BOU T G R OW T H Once again, Out of Home (OOH) was the ONLY TRADITIONAL MEDIA CHANNEL TO GROW IN 2016, according to Commercial Economic Advisory Service of Australia (CEASA) – the advertising industry benchmark. In G I V I N G B RANDS A New data showed more eyes on OOH MOVE announced the findings from its 2016 data update: 2016, CEASA reported OOH’s share of advertising spend was 5.74% out of the $13.47 billion total spent on advertising. P. 4 6 PU BL I C SPAC ES A N D SEL F -R EG U L AT I ON The OMA presented advertising self-regulation training seminars to members in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. P. 24 P R I M A L A DVANTAGE OMA launched findings from a new state-of-the-art biometric research study into understanding consumers’ behaviour inside and out of the home. It found that people are: 2.8% GR OWTH IN N ATION A L AU DIEN CE FOR OOH, YEA R -ON -YEA R 2X 200,000 MOR E A LERT A N D L IKELY TO ACT ON MESSAGES THA N COMPA RED TO IN SID E THE HOME, MOR E PEOPLE, ON AVER AGE, IN OOH EN VIR ON MEN TS EACH DAY AND P. 4 2 2.5X MOR E A LERT COMPA RED TO SCR EEN TIME AT HOME P. 4 3 Q1 2 ↑ 19.1% N ET REV EN U E YEA R- ON -Y EA R $176.7 m U P F ROM $148 .4 MIL L ION IN 2015