Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine November - December 2018 | Page 9

had missed an opportunity and rolled up the Omaha chapter the new club into their first chapter outside Cali (the rest is history). In my humble opinion that is the match that lit the fire of expansion. 1% clubs started opening chapters in many different states. Which added to the waning of the mom and pop clubs already in progress. Even the clubs that were bad guys, just not 1%ers, waned and slowed. It was a matter of traveling, many folks moved, relocated to new and different areas. Kind of a natural progression if you will. But the 1%ers grew out of it, and next issue, I will explain where and why “Territory” came into play. Keep the Wheels Down, Anonymous 1% Biker Courtesy entertainment.time.com Courtesy entertainment.time.com Courtesy entertainment.time.com oklahoma biker the riders ragazine 9