Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine November - December 2018 | Page 18

MEDICAL MARIJUANA Medical marijuana is an effective tool for mitigating pain. Finding the right can- nabis product for your type of pain can sometimes be time consuming and difficult. To make this easier, we will go through the different types of pain and the strategies to treat them more effectively. There are 3 accepted categories of pain. 1. Central pain (fibromyalgia) 2. Nociceptive pain 3. Neuropathic Pain Nociceptive Pain and Cannabinoids Nociceptive pain is best described as in- flammatory pain. It is the resulting pain from tissue damage. The sensation of pain in this case comes from inflamma- tory and immune cells that repair tissue damage. These cells discharge certain proteins and chemicals that interact with the brain, giving the sensation of pain. With this in mind, reducing the sensa- tion of pain is done by either blocking the signals themselves or reducing inflammation. THC, and CBD are used to target both of these processes re- sulting in less pain. Human clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of these cannabinoids at reducing pain. Tolerance can become an issue with THC. To avoid this, it is important to start low and maintain a good balance of CBD to THC content. By using higher doses of CBD to manage pain, THC oklahoma biker the riders ragazine content can be kept lower to avoid developing a tolerance. A great benefit that comes from CBD is mood-improvement. CBD can mitigate anxiety and stress through serotonin activa- tion. Anxiety and depression are side effects of chronic pain. This makes CBD a valuable tool in managing nociceptive pain in the long term. Neuropathic Pain Neuropathic pain is extremely difficult to treat because NSAID’s like ibuprofen and Tylenol are basically useless to treat it. This type of pain affects about 7 to 10% of the world’s population. In- stead of resulting from physical damage to the body, Neuropathic pain comes from diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, HIV, Parkinson’s, Lupus, diabetes, and shingles. Chemotherapy also causes neuropathic pain. Cannabis reduces this type of pain by activating the CB1 receptors in the brain. This weakens the pain signal that travels to the brain. As with nociceptive paint, too much THC can over-activate the CB1 receptors in the brain leading to lessened pain relief over time. Bal- ancing CBD and THC consumption can help stave off this tolerance Central Pain Although there are various terms for this type of pain, central pain refers to pain that results from a malfunction in the nervous system. It can sometimes be difficult to determine why a patient 18