Oklahoma Biker - The Riders Ragazine Jan - Feb 2016 Issue | Page 5

it will also be a Vlog (a form of web
television). The Vlog will be hosted by
Reverend Matt Thompson. As part
of Changin’ Lanes we will have
a telephone hotline manned by
various motorcycle ministries
and service organizations to
aid folks needing assistance
in changing their lives. Our
first Vlog will be released
on social media, and our
website on January 20th.
Happy New Year to all our readers. After Be sure and watch for
you’ve indulged in the festive holiday
it, and please help
season, it is time to start thinking about
us improve upon it
where you’ll be riding to this year!
by providing your
Oklahoma Biker is a Riders Activity Guide feedback.
(RAG), and our photojournalists are
As always, we
excited about sharing their experiences
love to hear your
and destinations with you in 2016. Be
sure to check out our extensive Calendar thoughts and
ideas about the
of Events in this issue.
RAG. If you have
I’m often asked how we decide what to
specific ideas on
publish in this RAG. Non-riders I talk
how we can make
with are amazed that there are enough
Oklahoma Biker a
motorcycle events in Oklahoma for us
better magazine,
to fill a magazine without running out of
or if you have
material. Many riders often request that
comments, please
we publish articles that are of specific
pass them along
interest to them. As an enthusiast
to: janitor@
magazine, our goal is to educate you
about what is going on in the Oklahoma
We’d like to hear
biker community, and entertain you with
from you.
relevant editorials.
Cheryl and I are
To kick off the year, I have a very
looking forward to
special announcement. Starting with this seeing you, and
issue, we are featuring a new column
riding with you, in this
called “Changin’ Lanes.” Our very good
upcoming New Year!
friend Wanda Watson has graciously
Much love, honor and
contributed her story about how she
respect. Ride safe and
changed her life more than twenty
years ago. Changin’ Lanes has been an watch out for the cages.
ongoing project of ours for more than a

year. We are extremely excited about
introducing you to people who have
overcome adversity to achieve success
and happiness in their lives.
Not only will Changin’ Lanes be a
different story in each issue about
how someone has changed their life,
The Janitor