OJCL Torch Fall 2017 | Page 26

10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Running for OJCL Office! Julia Dean, OJCL Parliamentarian 1. You ge t to meet new people! While cam paigning, ca opportun ities to so ndidates have freq uen cia candidate s, but will lize not only with th t all eir fellow opportun ity to mee delegates. Take ad t as van Personall y, while ca many people as po tage of thi ssib mpa people fro m other sc igning, I had the c le! ha hools that talked wit I would ne nce to mee h before. I even bec ver have e candidate ame frien ven opposing d s w m i th the meet are t e he excitin ! Win or lose, the p g part abo ut runnin eople you g for offic e. be a part of to y it n tu r o p p o e th 2. You have g people. in z a m a f o d r a o b it a close-kn of time together ts lo s d n e sp d ar o b The OJCL events, and a s, g n ti e e m e ar re e h . T throughout the term if you are an f o t ar p a e b to t e g you FIRE groupchat that ople that I e p e ar s d n ie fr st e b e of my OJCL officer! Som yone who is cool n A . h it w d ar o b L have been on an OJC ir time to the e th f o n io rt o p e rg a la enough to dedicate ol, right? co y tt re p e b to as h classics 3. You get to work with the absolutely amazing State Chairs! Yes, those fancy adults who sit on stage become your mentors when you are a board member! The board is incredibly lucky to have great Sponsors supporting all endeavors to better the OJCL, and working with them is a real pleasure. Keep in mind, these are these adults who allow someone to get a pie thrown in their face at the last GA every year! That is, they are really fun people. 25