Office Bullying and Harassment Policy Volume Nov 2013 | Page 25

• any additional details that would help with an investigation Sample reporting procedures are available at Small business Small employers might face challenges like having no Human Resources department or OHS specialists. They also might have opportunities that other larger organizations lack such as closer working relationships, and an ability to respond more quickly to incidents. WorkSafeBC has developed a small business guide on workplace bullying and harassment to help these employers meet their particular challenges. Procedures for dealing with and investigating incidents or complaints Employers must establish procedures that state how they will deal with incidents and complaints of bullying and harassment in the workplace. The procedures must ensure a reasonable response, aim to fully address the incident, and ensure future bullying and harassment is prevented or minimized. Procedures must address the following: • how and when investigations will be conducted • what will be included in the investigation • roles and responsibilities of employers, supervisors, workers, and others, such as investigators, witnesses, or union representatives — for example, employers are responsible for ensuring workplace procedures are followed; workers are expected to cooperate with investigators and provide any details of acts they have experienced or witnessed; and supervisors or Human Resources personnel might be involved in conducting investigations. If external investigators are hired, employers should provide information about their roles and responsibilities. Toward a respectful workplace 11