Office Bullying and Harassment Policy Volume Nov 2013 | Page 23

Workplace policy statement Employers must develop a written policy statement clearly declaring that workplace bullying and harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Employers must also ensure workers are made aware of the policy statement. The policy statement could include examples of what is, and what is not, acceptable workplace behaviour. Employers may wish to state the consequences for anyone who bullies and harasses another person in the workplace. A sample policy statement and tips for creating an effective policy statement are available at Preventing or minimizing bullying and harassment Employers must take steps to prevent, where possible, or otherwise minimize, workplace bullying and harassment. This means that if an employer is aware of circumstances that present a risk of workplace bullying and harassment, preventative measures must be put in place. This might include providing direction and supervision to affected workers, offering training on managing difficult situations, or imposing workplace arrangements to minimize the risks of bullying and harassment. For example, in an environment where clients are known to be verbally aggressive, an employer might have a screening process for phone calls, ??????????????????????????)????????=????)????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????????????()Q?????????????????????((?((0