Offering of Letters 2014 | Page 14

A Prayer and Litany for an Offering of Letters Committing Your Efforts to God Prayer Gracious God, all good finds its source and end in your love. We ask that these letters we offer before you reflect your good will and serve to strengthen your good work of creating and sustaining our world in your love. May this offering be illuminated by your spirit, and may your heart be seen in these letters that we lift up today. May they inspire policy makers and staff who read them to care for hungry people living in poverty and respond to the rhythms of your kingdom in their work each day. We ask these things trusting in the name of Jesus, who offered himself as bread for the world. Amen. Litany Leader: Our Father, People: Who creates and nourishes us Leader: Who art in heaven People: Who, infinite as you are, cares for us in our daily needs Leader: Hallowed be Thy name. People:  May your holy name be reflected in our voices and lives. Leader: Thy kingdom come. People: May our world reflect life as you intend it. Leader: Thy will be done. People: May we be instruments of your care and provision. Leader: On earth as it is in heaven. People: May we care for all you have made as a sacred gift. Leader: Give us this day our daily bread, People: As a mother feeds her child, may you feed us and help us feed others, Leader: And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. People: May our lives reflect your radical grace and our hearts be quick to confess our faults. Forgive us for being silent when our neighbors need us to raise our voices on their behalf. Forgive us for allowing the status quo to rule instead of your love. Forgive us for our disruption of the peace and mercy you intend for our world. Leader: And lead us not into temptation, People: Lead us from apathy and indifference and selectively following Jesus. Leader: But deliver us from evil. People: May your grace overcome those who promote evil, and open our eyes to see the subtle harm at work in our systems and in our hearts. Leader: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen. People:  May your purpose for abundance and life reign in our world and in all aspects of our lives. Amen. Adapted from a litany by Westminster P