Odyssey Magazine Issue 4, 2015 | Page 39

response to his behaviour, from that of judgement, to it cements itself as 'your' truth and by retelling this that of love and understanding, in that moment, you are narrative, and focussing on it, you give it even more telling a new story and consciously creating a different momentum, and it becomes your identity. outcome. Of course, you will also have to treat yourself Only through awareness of one's story can it be with love, non-judgement, compassion and kindness, transformed into a conscious creation of a new positive because it always starts with you first, and then ripples tale that manifests well-being. into your immediate environment. In order for you to become a conscious creator, you With every single thing that happens in life, the way not only need to be aware of what your interpretations of you choose to perceive it and what you choose to focus events are, but also to be able to, with awareness, spot on, will determine your experience. The tale you start to patterns, beliefs and habits that cause you to regress and tell when something happens, ripples and grows with the fall back into the old story. attention you give it. If your sister says something nasty This is an evolutionary process. to you, you can create a story that reflects your belief It does not mean that you switch to positive thinking that you are always the victim of her moods, or you can and move into denial about that which you need to interpret her behaviour as her emotional baggage, and heal, but that with awareness, you participate with your that it has nothing to do with who you are, and then process, steering it with a positive attitude and outlook. your ego will not be taking it personally, because you You allow yourself to look at life from all angles, opening are not judging her behaviour, but instead viewing it your mind to possibilities, and opportunities, instead of Only through awareness of one's story can it be transformed into a conscious creation of a new positive tale that manifests well-being. compassionately. staying focussed on limiting perspectives. It takes practice and awareness to become aware of To change something in your outer world, you turn the stories you tell. When you consciously choose to tell within, to change it there. If you have an angry person in a positive tale, you become a conscious creator. Many your life, ask yourself if you are angry with yourself. If you people think that affirmations do not work and often have someone in your life that criticises you, ask yourself, the effectiveness is questioned. The important thing to how can you be less critical of yourself. remember is that it takes practice for the mind to adopt a Conscious creation starts with awareness. Then with new thought. Just like it takes commitment and practice positive thinking, you bring your emotions into alignment when you train for the Comrades Marathon it also takes with your new perspective. This is where your positive commitment and practice, to tell a new story. thinking supports your process to set new intentions for I once read that when a feeling lasts longer than your life. Thus on an energy level you start creating, and twenty minutes it becomes an emotion. Your account with patience and loving care, as well as mindfulness, of what happened can fuel or calm a feeling. If you are you then bring that intention into physical manifestation, upset you can use an affirmation to shift your perspective into form. and calm the feeling so that it does not become an emotion that will take longer to shift. Discover the gifts of your story. Know that the circumstances you find yourself in were your soul's The thoughts that you think, is the story that you tell choice, providing you with an opportunity to grow and yourself. The account about your life is your interpretation evolve. The challenge, however, is not to get stuck in the of situations, relationships, circumstances. The thoughts negativity of the situation, but rather to rise above it, and you think about other people furth