Odyssey Magazine Issue 4, 2015 | Page 110

You will be positively brimming with things to thrilling to be in a position in which you feel say, and will find yourself having all kinds of free, unencumbered, strong, and you should interesting conversations – some serious, and definitely stay in this good place within yourself some casual. You yourself will be standing out – you are so charismatic right now. Just make in some way, so relish the stage – it is where sure you are not neglecting the needs of others you naturally shine. If you are a single, Leo, to be close to you in your newfound freedom, now is the time to maximise on the potential and that there are no power struggles, however opportunities for romance coming your way. they come disguised. You will be in a very Don't look for something too serious, just relax social mood this December Libra, so take full and let your mane down. The only thing I can advantage of this happy and fun time. You are say to watch out for, is any kind of deception – the social butterfly of this season and people whether from within your close circle, or even will be queuing to spend time with you. regarding finances. Keep your eyes wide open, Leo, and you should have a whale of a time. Scorpio: Scorpio, it is once again time to withdraw into your cocoon. While everyone Virgo: All Virgos will be experiencing a around you is celebrating and social, you will growth spurt recently, due to the mighty planet be needing to be with yourself, and that is Jupiter traversing your sign. This month sees perfectly fine. Don't feel pressured to get out that growth, or any issues thereof focused in there and be something you're not – you of all the area of your career. It might still feel as if signs despise any kind of artifice, and to put the growth isn't happening fast enough, but be yourself through the game of playing fine is patient Virgo. You will make your fortune yet. not your cup of tea. You will find that taking Try to detach from the outcome, and simply time off from the world will recharge you and do what you do best – take care of the details. prepare you for the year ahead. Saturn has If confusion comes up in any area of your life moved out of your sign so you should already and things seem a little unclear, or perhaps be feeling a little lighter, but Mars, your ruler, somewhat heavy, just go with it. Remember is in the sign of Libra – a sign he is most that everything moves in cycles and change uncomfortable in. This means that you may be always comes. Besides career, family could also feeling the same, and the best action for you be taking up quite a large chunk of your time is no action. Rest. Go deep, dear Scorpio. You and energy, especially over this busy period. are not afraid of the dark, and you are so very You will feel compelled to speak your truth over capable of finding real jewels at the bottom of December, and that is perfectly good – even your psychic ocean. applaudable – so just remember to temper the words you say with tact, and all will be well in your world. Sagittarius: The spotlight is completely on you at this time, Sagittarius. Gone are the frivolous days, and you could find yourself ODYSSEY 110 •  DIGIMAG Libra: Venus, the co-ruler of Taurus and feeling positively overwhelmed. It is a period Libra is, for the first time in quite a while, of new beginnings in every single way, and in your sign. Hooray. All the past months of with Saturn moving into your sign, you could heartache and pain seem like a bad dream be feeling heavier than usual, having to take and you can look forward to better times, on responsibilities that you really don't want. dear Libra. I simply must caution you now, You are a sign that relishes freedom and the before you break open the champagne, that heavy burden of duty feels alien to you. But, it is important to keep perspective and not it is something we all have to learn sooner allow all this newfound empowerment alienate or later, and the sooner you shoulder these those who want to love you. It is heady and seeming burdens, the lighter your load will