October Kapers

The Official Florida District Newsletter Volume 46, Issue 3 HANG IN THERE! It looks Slow, When you Wait. It looks Fast, When you are Afraid. It looks Long, When you are Sad. It looks Short, When you are Happy. It looks Endless, When you are At Pain. It looks Deadly, When you are Bored. I decided to make the theme of this Kapers all about time, as a reminder to appreciate every minute that passes by. There is enough time in the day, there is time to do great things, there is time to finish everything, and there is time to relax and enjoy yourself as well. It’s not a lecture on time management but rather a reminder to take every minute and make it worth it. How do you make it worth it? By putting aside a portion of your week for the service of others, by being a leader to those who need it, and by spending time with those who matter. 7 Meet The Man/ DCM Into the Future/ BDAYS 9/10 Seems like you don’t have time for anything? Good! You’re doing college the right way. Just remember that we are all on the same boat, reach out to others for help, don’t let stress be an excuse to be grumpy, and make time for things you enjoy. Remember time is what you perceive it to be: OMG, Our First Meeting 3 So take some time to stay updated on all that is the Florida District! Hope you enjoy the October Kapers! - Florida District Editor “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. - H. Jackson Brown Jr. 1