Oct/Nov 2020 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 25



Pendulums work under the assumption that
we can access answers from our own inner wisdom and the universe . They indicate answers to yes / no questions by moving backwards and forwards , side to side , diagonally , or in a circular motion . Before you decipher an answer , you will need to establish which movement of the pendulum is for the specific answer of yes , no , or maybe . You need to clear your mind and not be tied to the outcome of a specific answer .
Once your mind is relaxed , ask the pendulum to show you what a yes looks like . Once it begins to move , stop it . Ask it to show you what a no looks like . It will begin to move in a different direction . Stop the movement . Ask it to show you what a maybe looks like . It will have yet a different movement from the yes and no answers . Once the baseline is established , you can ask the pendulum questions that have yes or no type of answers .

Muscle Testing

Muscle testing , scientifically known as applied kinesiology , is another method used to answer yes / no questions . The premise is the body is a computer and will give you information you need by asking specific questions . There are numerous ways to do muscle testing , so choose one that works best for you . You can learn how to test yourself , or you may have another person test you for the answers .
One way to have a person test for you is by using your arm . Hold your arm out to your side at shoulder level and hold strong . The other person will put one hand on your opposite shoulder for balance and the other hand gently resting on your forearm . They will ask you a question , either out loud or in their head and then push down on your outstretched arm , as you resist them pushing the arm trying to keep it at your shoulder . With a yes answer , you will be able to hold your arm strong against their pressing down . With a no answer , your arm will go weak and they will be able to press your arm downward without difficulty .

Oracle Cards

Oracle cards , including tarot cards , can be used to ask questions for guidance on specific issues . One thing to note about card readings is the answers given are not set in stone . They are a reflection of what the likely path will lead to based on where you are in your life at a particular moment in time . I have learned over time in working with different card decks that the cards never lie . There is always a reason why you pick a particular card . Even if you don ’ t understand the meaning in the moment , if you contemplate or meditate on it , the information will become clearer to you .
There are many methods for using oracle cards . An easy one is to choose a deck you are drawn to for that specific day . Shuffle the cards and ask for what you need to know for your highest good . Cut the deck and spread them out . Choose the card you are drawn to , trusting it will tell you what you need to know for that day . You can also use the cards when you have specific questions to ask . Just like with the other techniques , the important thing is to be neutral to the answer you receive .