OCR Europe Sports Magazine October 2014 | Page 50

CORE STRENGTH What IS your core? Your core isn’t just one muscle – it’s a whole group of muscles that move in all directions and are used all the time. Everything you do uses your core, as it is made up of a huge number of muscles within the trunk of your body that stabilise the spine, from the outer muscles you can see like your abdominals and lats, to the deeper muscles such as the pelvic floor, the multifidus, and the diaphragm. Why is it important in obstacle course racing? Everything you do in obstacle racing requires a strong core. When you’re walking across a beam or balancing on anything, your core should be engaged and needs to be strong to keep you from falling. If you are carrying a heavy atlas stone, sandbag, or jerry can, you need a strong core to keep you from damaging your back. When you are running into gladiators/football players at the end of a race, a weak core won’t help you withstand those blows! Save your knees by bear crawling properly, tensing your core, and moving quickly under barbed wire. Even something as simple as running requires a strong core to ensure you have good posture. Photo credits: Spartan Race/ Judgement Day/ Rock Solid