Eclectic Shades Magazine May Issue 2017 | Page 58

Have you ever noticed that person who chooses the same treadmill, at the same time every day, or on most days? They complete the same 30-60-minute workout they have been doing for the last three years. They are consistent. So why are they still carrying an extra 20 pounds when they are disciplined enough to hit the gym 3-5 times per week?

There are a number of issues contributing to their “homeostasis: their body's inertia and their inability to try something new. These factors lend themselves to less-than-desirable outcomes such as overuse injuries. When you repeat the same activity day in and day out, the inevitable shin splints, plantar fasciitis, sciatic nerve issues, tingling or numbness in the feet become problematic. Rest and recovery, an imperative component to seeing any type of gains, whether they be cardiovascular endurance, increase in strength or muscle gains. All components of fitness require adequate recovery periods. When someone has been performing the same routine, for the same amount of time, at the same intensity for so long, the benefits of cardiovascular training are minimal at best. The body has already become accustomed to the activity. Forget the frustration, burnout, and the mundane, “ho hum” feeling of, “having to go to the gym". Working out, moving the body, strengthening your heart, and burning fat...all the reasons fitness gurus become addicted to fitness, are lost on “routine movement.”

For those of you who feel “stuck” or your routine is too routine, I’ve offered some ideas to shake things up a bit. I’ve written four brand new cardio workouts with some cutting edge science that supports what is known as “HIIT,” or High Intensity Interval Training. The goal is to push yourself as hard as you can for any given period of time, then recover only to ramp up the intensity again.

Please consult your physician before engaging in any fitness program. Modify the following workouts to meet your own personal fitness goals. And remember, when you keep changing your workouts, your body and your mind will continue to change in positive ways! Give it a shot! All you have to lose is body fat, and the pitfalls of overuse injuries which can take months to heal.

Get out there and get your sweat on! And pick a different treadmill, or whatever cardio equipment is listed for the day each time you perform the workout. “Routine workouts” yield results that render one feeling overworked, overwhelmed by the lack of progress, and absolutely burned out. Instead of burnout, find that fire within, ignite the spark of motivation with new workout ideas, and get your glow on!

You got this!

Amy E Lawrence, MFA

From Dread-mill to Treadmill

Fitness with Amy

May 2017

By Amy Lawrence, MFA, ACSM