Eclectic Shades Magazine July 2017 | Page 42

When A Little

"Retail Therapy"

May Be JUST What You Need!

When A Little "Retail Therapy" May Be JUST What You Need!

You know that feeling? You FINALLY have a little time for yourself and all you want to do is watch your favorite movie.

Maybe you want to take a walk on your favorite trail minus your little ones.

Or you just want to get a manicure/ know...just get pampered for a little bit.

But when you think about that desired quality time, you find yourself feeling like it is an unnecessary luxury.

Recently, I was talking with someone who enjoys shopping trips without her kids. She was struggling with feeling guilty about it because she felt like it took time away from her family.

It suddenly became a luxury and therefore was something that had to be pushed to the bottom of her list, and eventually getting pushed-off completely.

Truth be told, the stress of life was making her feel a little short-tempered and not at all the way she wanted to show up!

Boy, did I get it! I don't have kids but as a busy business woman, I understand when self-care starts to feel like a luxury. It’s something that we get only if time allows.

Let’s face it, time rarely does!

So, it felt so great to be able to remind this busy, awesome, dedicated mom that those "luxuries" are actual NECESSITIES for PERSONAL SANITY. It allows us to unplug and recharge our batteries.

Imagine trying to use your phone after not charging it for 48 hours?

Or driving your car when the gas tank is empty?

Or doing a good job at work when you had zero hours sleep the night before?

We all know that you MUST recharge anything you want to perform at its best.

And guess what ladies? That means YOU TOO!

Think of it like this. You would never allow your kids (or any child) to stay up all night long and watch television. Instead, you have a set time they go to bed EVERY NIGHT because you know that sleep is vitally important to their health (and your sanity).

Sleep for a child is not considered a luxury. It's an absolute necessity for a healthy, productive child. You need to look at YOUR emotional health the same way. Plug quality times into your schedule just like any other appointment. Make it a priority to have some time to recharge and renew.

Andrea Wiggins Strong